I was delighted to have my work featured in West Country Life last month and amazed to get a full double page spread. The journalist was particularly interested in my figurative pieces and how I make them.
Throughout March and April 2021, I shall be donating £25 per pendant to `Exploreres Against Extinction`. This offer applies to sales of Elephants, Rhino, Giraffe and Gorilla sales only. All items are in very limited supply and will no longer be available to order when current stock are sold out.
Art Weeks 2020 is a digital exhibition due to Covid. However my studio/ workshop will be open from Saturday 19th September -4th October, Wednesdays - Saturdays 11am - 4pm.
I shall be taking appointments for Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. Visitor numbers will be limited with necessary precautions in place.
More information can be found at www.somersetartworks.org.uk
A Long While Later!
My poor neglected news page! No news since August 2018!. I`m afraid I get so involved in the daily designing and making that other things get forgotten. Of course now I have difficulty in remembering what has happened in the meantime.
Towards the end of 2019 I started a new range of work called Branch and Root. The initial inspiration was sparked by the forest fires in the Amazon and then the dreadful fires in Australia which saw thousands of trees destroyed.
The collection started with a range of rings which I cast in the studio using recycled silver which seemed apt for the subject. The rings were followed by bracelets, also cast by me in recycled silver. I am now adding some bangles. which have to be professionally cast due to size and weight of silver.
Exciting news!
News that one of my early rings is in a major collection at Zurich Museum.
I was absolutely delighted to discover from Beatriz Chadour-Sampson that I have a ring in the Alice and Louis Koch Collection in Zurich. I shall be very interested to see her book`Rings of the 20th and 21st Centuries: the Alice and Louis Koch Collection` which is due out later this year.
March news
Gift Cards are now available. I am always being asked about gift tokens and at long last I have got round to it!. They can be for any value but come with just a twelve month use by date. Each features an image on the front and are numbered and dated and can also be used as part payment.
This winter has sadly seen a couple of galleries close their doors. The Silver Shop in Bristol has gone and Harlequin in Taunton closed its doors in February. Sad times as I had been with the silver shop for probably nine years and Harlequin the best of six. I shall miss them both.
On a more optimistic note I am very pleased to say that a selection of my work is currently available through Polkadot Gallery in Taunton.
Launched today
Great to see my silver LIon pendant launched by Real Africa today. They are now available at their store www.realworldstore.co.uk
10% of sales goes to Animals Saving Animals.
Overdue post
Its been a very long time since I last added a post..
The past year was busier than most with developing new work, several commissions and continuing with making elephants and Rhinos for Real Africa. Added to which two new galleries started stocking my work and there was another exhibition at Andelli in Wells.
The Elephants have been a great success with orders from America, Africa, Germany, Switzerland, Scotland, Wales and Jersey. It seems everyone loves elephants and they have raised a considerable sum for Save The Elephants. My thanks to all those who now wear one of my little Ellies! They, and the Rhinos are still available through www.realworldstore.co.uk
I am currently developing a new range featuring a baby elephant, a lion, a hippo and a warthog. Watch this space!
ADORNED pop up exhibition, Wells
I have just delivered a large selection of work to this new venue in Wells. The exhibition features three jewellers and a selection of prints and paintings. Great venue for Christmas presents and inspiration followed by a visit to the Cathedral!
Adorned, 28th Nov - 23rd Dec. Open Mon - Sat 10am - 4pm. Heritage Courtyard Studios, 6 Heritage Courtyard. Sadler St, Wells BA5 2RR
ADORN contemporary jewellery showcase
I`m delighted to have a selection of my work included in this exhibition at QUERCUS GALLERY in Bath. It features some very accomplished and exciting new work by a good cross section of contemporary jewellers. 7th November - 3rd December 2015
The march of the Elephants
In early October I was invited by `Real Africa` an award winning travel company, to their 15th anniversary celebration at The Royal Geographical Society. I was introduced to Saba Douglas Hamilton who entertained the audience with images and anecdotes about her life in Kenya. As a token of gratitude Real Africa presented Saba with one of my silver elephant pendants. They are now selling them in aid of `Save the Elephants` with 30% going to the charity. This is very close to my heart having been born and brought up in Kenya.
Open Studio Event 7th - 13th September
I have been working nonstop getting ready to open my studio as part of The 10 Parishes Festival. Visitors will be able to see some of my latest work together with old favourites and watch me working at my workbench.
ENCLOSURES Exhibition, Quercus Gallery, Bath.
A selection of my new wire work jewellery is currently being featured in this exhibition. It runs until August 15th.
Now in Bath
I`m delighted to now have my work stocked by Quercus Gallery in Bath.
Latest work
My latest work is based on rusting farm machinery seen at a local farm I pass on my walks.
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